Nest update, July 14th

- 5 mins read

Series: Nesting Gulls 2024

While I was out on my route last weekend, it struck me that my nest monitoring is a pilgrimage – each nest a destination, a shrine to mystery, to the genius and tenacity of the other beings we are often blind to.

These are the fleeting images I try to capture, the small sparks I desperately harbour to get me through the following five days of mental anaesthetization.

There’s a lot of nests to get through, so here we go…

Pyramid Nest

Pyramid Nest

Pyramid Nest

What luck – the chicks and parents were at the nest when I arrived. I was able to get conclusive proof that both the parents are banded gulls. Not only will I be able to verify if they both nest in the same spot next year, but perhaps even spot them during the non-breeding season.

Pyramid Nest chicks

Pyramid Nest chicks

Pyramid Nest chicks

Brewery Nest

Brewery Nest

Brewery Nest

Wonderful – two newly hatched chicks that look only a few days old. There may still be one unhatched egg in the nest as well – can you see it to the left of the bottom chicks’ head?

Burrard Nest #2

Burrard Nest #2

Burrard Nest #2

Two chicks on the ledge at Burrard nest #2.

Burrard Nest #4 (new)

Burrard Nest #4

Burrard Nest #4

I suspected I would see a nest at this location again, and this visit confirmed it. Not only do we have two chicks present, but one of the parents is banded.

University Nest (confirmed)

University Nest

University Nest

My suspicion was correct – there is a nest here! They weren’t out for long, but I was able to get a photo of two chicks awaiting the arrival of their parents before they vanished into the grasses.

Clipper Nest #1

Clipper Nest #1

Clipper Nest #1

Three chicks resting around the cinder blocks that were popular with last year’s young ones as well. One of the parents was resting nearby.

Hornby Nest

Hornby Nest

Hornby Nest

We’ve got at least two chicks at Hornby nest.

Engineer Nest

Engineer Nest

Engineer Nest

After some searching, I was able to find the three chicks resting together. Not long after, I saw one of the adults swoop down and regurgitate a meal for them.

Grassy Nest

Grassy Nest

Grassy Nest

Chicks sleeping in their corner. It’s strange to see how so many of the chicks gravitate to the same places every year.

Chimney Nest

Chimney Nest

Chimney Nest

Unfortunately, it seems this nest has failed. There were no adults anywhere near the nest, and no eggs or chicks visible.

Silver Seas Nest

Silver Sea Nest

Silver Sea Nest

There weren’t great views, but I was able to get a photo that shows three chicks peeking above the edge behind one of their parents.

Culinary Nest

Culinary Nest

Culinary Nest

It took me a while, but eventually I found two of the chicks resting in a shaded area almost directly beneath the bridge deck. I suspect the third chick is hidden by the ledge.

Restaurant Nest eggs

Restuarant Nest eggs

Restuarant Nest eggs

I am not sure what occurred at this nest, but there are two damaged gull eggs on the rooftop by the nest. Strangely, an adult was still brooding on the nest. Is there a chick that survived?

Restaurant Nest

Restuarant Nest

Restuarant Nest

Zoomed out a little farther to show the location of the eggs and nest.

West Third Nest

West Third Nest

West Third Nest

Despite my attempts to check out this nest from multiple angles, I’ve yet to spot any chicks. As always, there was a particularity alert adult keeping watch in the usual location. I’m confident it’s only a matter of time before we manage to spot a chick here.

Rainbow Nest (new)

Rainbow Nest (new)

Rainbow Nest (new)

This is a nest that I found last season, but I hadn’t seen anything going on at this location on previous visits. It’s difficult to get clear views from the on-ramp, but I was only able to find one chick.

Apartment Nest (confirmed)

Apartment Nest (confirmed)

Apartment Nest (confirmed)

On this visit, I only saw an adult resting on the chimney-top at this nest. However, last Tuesday I spotted and photographed one chick that briefly made an appearance in a gap between ledges.

Umbrella Nest

Umbrella Nest

Umbrella Nest

After a lot of scanning the rooftop, the movement of a chick tipped me off to their location. From what I can tell given the distance, it looks like we’ve got two chicks at this nest.

Other Nests

Cambie Nest

Another quiet day here – adult on the chimney, the chick hiding in the shade.

Burrard Nest #1

A guarding adult, but no chicks visible from the bridge deck. Looking across from the Granville Street Bridge, I thought I could make out at least one chick.

Clipper Nest #2

One adult gull was busy chasing away a persistent trio of crows coming too close to the chicks. I spotted one chick, but soon after a second head popped up, verifying there are at least two chicks at this nest.

Design Nest

I briefly saw two chicks hiding out in a shaded spot on the rooftop.

Brigade Nest

This nest location is so far away that I cannot confirm if there are any chicks there. There is always an adult resting nearby, looking very much like it’s keeping guard. We’ll have to wait until the chicks are larger fledglings before we can confirm they’re there.

Fountain Nest

A resting adult and one chick. I had spotted two previously, so chances are the second chick is tucked away out of sight somewhere.

Crossfit Nest

The three chicks were all resting in the same spot as last week on my visit.

Pine Nest

Two chicks and an adult guarding them.

Beach Ave Nest

No adults or chicks visible.

Ikon Nest (unconfirmed)

Only adult gulls visible.

Island Nest

No sign of adults or chicks this visit.

Curent Map

Curent Map

Curent Map

Here’s the map as it stands now – my hypothesis is that the density is most likely quite similar in the empty spaces of my map. The problem is most of those buildings are far too tall for me to get any sense of what’s going on.

Until next time, thanks for your patience and your interest.