I started my visit at the south end of the Burrard Street bridge, passing by the Clipper nests. As on my previous visit, I was able to count five fledglings scattered around the rooftop, most of them still sleeping and one or two lazily wandering around, occasionally testing out their wings.
Burrard nest #4
Crossing the bridge, I checked on the chicks in the Burrard nests, and all were accounted for. Passing the midway point, I noticed a young gull standing on top of the rooftop between bridge towers. Given that all the other chicks were accounted for, this is probably the chick from Burrard nest #4.
Crossfit nest
Once again, I found a young gull in the vicinity of the original Crossfit nest location. I’m making the assumption that this is one of the chicks from that nest, but obviously I can’t be certain.
Chimney nest
On my previous visit I was happy to discover that chick that had fallen from the nest was still alive and doing well, having found a safe spot on an overhang on the north side of the building.
To my surprise, the second chick seems to have either also fallen from the nest, or decided its sibling is correct that this new location is superior to their old cramped quarters.
Chimney nest, new location
Here’s a photo showing the original Chimney nest and the new location the chicks have chosen.
False Creek fledglings
While crossing the Granville Street bridge, I was pleased to see fledgling gulls flying about False Creek as well as loafing about in the water.
Later, on my way home, I saw at least seven or eight fledgling gulls floating together in a group near Science World at the eastern edge of False Creek.
New! Island nest
While Crossing the Granville Street bridge, I happened to notice an adult gull landing on a rooftop on Granville Island, screaming as it descended… and to my surprise I spotted three very young chicks on the rooftop the gull landed on.
This is why I monitor the nests as often as I can. I had dismissed the idea of finding any nests on Granville Island, since I’ve never seen any before. Having chatted a little with people who study gull ecology, Granville Island doesn’t seem a good spot for a nest, as there are lots of gulls in the vicinity – and one of the most dangerous things for gull chicks are other gulls.
But these gulls are giving it a go. They seem to have bred very late in the season. I’ll be watching this nest with a lot of interest.
Island nest chicks
Here are two of the chicks trying out the wings that will hopefully one day carry them into the clear air.
Island nest location
An photo showing the location of the rooftop the nest in on as well as where I suspect the actual location of the nest is.
Culinary/Penthouse nest mortality
On this visit, I was unable to spot any adults of chicks at either Penthouse or Culinary nest. However, looking closer, my heart sunk. Near the location I once saw a fledgling bathing, I now saw a corpse.
I don’t know for sure if this was the fledgling from Penthouse nest or Culinary nest. I am not showing the photo on this page since it is not easy to look at.
But, to paraphrase Werner Herzog, one of the wisest voices of our time: “you must not avert you eyes.”
Click the image below for the photo.
Appartment nest
A fledgling and parent at Appartment nest.
Design nest
One my last visit to this location, I didn’t see any chicks. But this time, to my delight, I spotted one fledgling on the rooftop adjacent to the original location of Design nest. I’m sure you’re tired of me prefacing my statements like this, but clearly I can’t say for certain this is a chick from this nest.
New! Leg in Boot nest
Here’s another nest I spotted a while back while walking along the seawall. I didn’t have a camera with me then, but this time I did. When I first spotted this nest a week or so back, I saw two fledglings, but on this occasion only one was visible.
Also, Leg in Boot Square is not a name I made up. It has a strange history…
… and it gets even weirder: Salish Sea human foot discoveries
Leg in Boot nest location
A screenshot from the map I maintain showing the location of the Leg in Boot nest.
Until next time…