It’s taken me nearly until the end of September to post about the unexpected album of the summer – at least my summer. Maybe it’ll become the album of your autumn?
I’ve been following this band since their first major album, Crooks & Lovers (also a wonderful album), and they’ve always surprised me with their breadth and fearlessness of change.
This last album is something quite special… it’s certainly pretentious to say it might take a few listens to really get the feel of it, but that’s what happened to me. Hearing it now pulls me right back to the blazing mornings I spent scanning for gull chicks from the bridge decks.
You can find them on the streaming site I won’t mention, but please consider buying the album from their Bandcamp page – as a lapsed musician, I know how hard it is to make any money off your work, and streaming sites are barely better than pirates.
More birds coming soon…