Cormorant nests, July 28th

- 1 min read

During my gull survey on Sunday I made another detour to visit the cormorants under the Granville Street Bridge.

This time I sat myself down and tried to take in the whole scene, paying attention to the comings and goings, to juveniles begging for food and awkwardly testing out their wings as they side-stepped along the steel girders. There were many active nests, and some that had served their purpose and were now apparently empty.

Here’s a few photos…

Juvenile Peleagic Cormorant

Juvenile Peleagic Cormorant

Juvenile Peleagic Cormorant

Nest with two juveniles

Nest with two juveniles

Nest with two juveniles

Juvenile on girder

Juvenile on girder

Juvenile on girder

Occupied Nest

Occupied Nest

Occupied Nest

Note the two dead cormorants tangled in the netting at the bottom right…

Next year I’ll be visiting these nests a lot earlier to try and catch the young when they hatch.

Until next time.